Dual Yoke

The beginning of the dual linked yoke. I used my CNC machine to make 3 layers (12-10-12mm). In the middle layer there is room for the wires. The wires will leave the yoke through the little hole below the axis. For the aileron axis, I use a 8 mm iron rod. On both sides screwthread is made.

The axis is fitted tight to the yoke. I made 5 3mm thick plexi rings with an outer diameter of 75 mm. That is enough to keep it at place in the pvc pipe, no additional fastening is necessary. The gear is fitted tight with 2 nuts to the axis and the yoke. The plexi ring can turn freely. When everything is in place, the plexi rings will not be able to turn because they are fitted in the pvc tube , and the yoke will turn freely.

The remaining part between the gear and the clear plexi is filled with small white plexi spacers (glued to eachother and to the clear plexi). If you fill it up nicely, there is no slack, and the yoke can turn freely. If you take a good look at the clear plexi, you wil notice a semicircular opening.

The opening under the yoke axis, described earlier, will contain a hollow aluminium 8mm rod where the wires go through. The opening in the clear plexi will guide and block that aluminium rod. In that way the turning of the aileron is only 60 degrees left and 60 degrees right.

CAD drawing of the aileron mechanism. Red is the PVC piece with the round plexi rings. The blue axis has only screwthread on its end (dotted line). So the yoke itself is clamped between 2 nuts, and the gear the same. Between the 2 inner nuts is no screwthread, and so the complete mechanism can rotate freely.

Front side of layer 1 and 2 of the FO yoke (below) and layer 3 (above). .

To get the circular shape, I first made lines 9 mm from the edges (4), remove everything under an angle of 45 degrees with a file, then make again lines 4 mm from every edge (8) and remove that under an 22,5 angle. At last use a fine file and sanding paper to get it perfectly round.

Sanded,  painted and switches are in place.

You can see the wires comming out of the aluminium tube. That tube will block the movement of the aileron because it will slide in the smiley-like opening in the plexi art of the yoke column.

A horizontal bar (40x20mm) will be the connection between te left and right yoke column. I connected 30 cm vertical aluminium to the horizontal one. The PVC tube is then connected to the vertical one.

The horizontal axis around which everything will turn is in place here. Also the pulleys for the cabe of the ailerons are in place.


I redid this part and included 2 ball bearings.  These are in the entrance and exit of the plexi part (see cad drawing for details). There was a little slack in the aileronaxis. When tension on the gear was applied, the yoke tilted a few degrees and that induced friction at the yoke's 12 o'clock position.

In the front is the dc motor (conrad 227552-89, driving the elevator trim motor. When it turns, the springs will move for- or afterwards, and change the equilibrium of the springs. I use 4 springs of 80N.

Do not forget to have some microswitches at both ends to stop the motor.

This is a special relais for dc motors. (conrad number 505013 - 89). In fact it contains a H bridge. In this way I am able to operate the dc motor from a (on)-of (on) toggleswitch (the trimswitches in both yokes).

One part of the cockpitfloor is ready. The forwardpart with the pedals and the afterwardspart with the seats wil be next.

An original mapholder installed.