First I tried to make it myself, but when I saw the MIP made by Flight Desck Solutions I decided to buy that one. I would never be able to make it that good myself. On this page I will show how I made the main structure to hold the MIP.in structure to hold the MIP.
The parts I received from FDS.

A real 747 EFIS panel (almost the same as in the 777)

I build a little frame around it to fix it to the glare. The frame is also used to hold part of the switches.

The frame for the monitors. The glareshield is already in place.

Construction of the glareshield from behind and above. The second EFIS (the real one) is to the left.I use a aluminium frame to which I will connect the FDS frame. I drill a hole of 3.2 mm in the aluminium and make screwthread in it. So I can use a m4 bolt without a nut to fasten the MIP. The bolt is 5 mm long (MIP 3 mm, alu 2 mm thick). In this way the monitor will be as close to the MIP as possible.

The parts for the gear lever mechanisme. It is very simple but very effective. The Plastic device is from a wellknown Swedish furniture manufacturer. In fact it is a little wheel used for furniture. Fortunately the 777 has only an UP and DOWN position.

The 2 little wooden plates are separated by 4 alu spacers. The elastic imitates the spring feeling. The 4 threaded rods are for easy connection to the wooden plate between the center monitor and the F/O monitor. At the far left you see a mercurium switch. Moving from UP to DOWN will bring the mercurium to move and close the circuit.

Everything in place. In the meantime I have changed the mercury type switch for 2 microswitches that sense the up and down status of the lever.

Overview, still without the seats.

Close up with the monitors in position.

A completely different look with the seats installed.